DLBA Garden Party a great success

One of the rare sunny days in July saw the business community of Dún Laoghaire gather for the DLBA Garden Party in the historic Eblana Club garden. The free to attend event was supported by Sostrene Grene run by DLBA Chair Niall Lawlor.

At the end of the proceedings of the Dargan Forum in the nearby County Hall, the DLBA hosted the afternoon Garden Party for attendees from the Dargan Forum, local business owners, local politicians and officials from DLR County Council. 

The Garden Party, with the title 'Why Choose Dún Laoghaire', acted as a showcase for the town with a number of local businesses displaying their products.  The Guests of Honour were:

· The Ambassador of Denmark, Lars Thuesen

· An Cathaoirleach, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council


All our town’s businesses on 1 page!


DLBA launches new website