About Us

The DLBA is a non-party political, non-sectarian, subscription-based membership Organisation whose mission is to be the voice of businesses of Dún Laoghaire.

The DLBA committee for 2024/5

  • Niall Lawlor (Chairperson)

  • Martin O’Byrne (Vice Chairperson)

  • John Rogers (Treasurer)

  • Dermot Martin (Hon. Secretary)

  • Ekaterina

  • Brian Dunphy (Stimare Ltd)

  • David Houlton

  • Wesley Hudson (Gibson & Associates)

  • Chad Gilmer (iPLANiT, The Glasshouses)

  • Ian O’Meara (Viking Marine)

Why not get involved?

The DLBA are always looking for new committee members from all sectors; retail, bars, restaurants, offices and services to get involved. Please complete the form below if you are interested in getting involved

The objectives of the DLBA are

Objective #1

To Provide a forum for all of stakeholders to work together on areas of common interest to effect change

Objective #2

Our actions can be defined as:

  • The Dún Laoghaire Business Association will work/lobby together with the other key stakeholders in Dún Laoghaire to ensure that it fulfils its potential and provides the best possible experience for our customers, staff, and residents.

  • The Dún Laoghaire Business Association (DLBA) will

provide a forum to communicate with and develop business

opportunities among businesses in Dún Laoghaire

  • Promote the Shop Local Campaign 

  • Promote Dún Laoghaire as a retail destination to increase footfall 

  • Organise seasonal promotional events and campaigns 

  • Promote desirable businesses to open in our town

  • Develop and promote a vibrant evening economy in harmony with residential needs. 

  • Encourage businesses to support & promote each other's business and contribute to our local economy.

  • Negotiate lower parking charges and promote centralised parking 

  • Lobby effectively for lower commercial rates and rate exemptions for new businesses

  • Help reduce business utility costs

Objective #3

To work with local County Councillors, Teachtaí Dála and Senators in the furtherance of DLBA objectives

Objective #4

To work with various other stakeholders (Consultants, DLR Co Co, residents’ groups and sports associations) to achieve the positive desired improvements to Dún Laoghaire as a business destination.

Objective #5

Provide regular updates to the large stakeholder group on developments.

Objective #6

To register for DLR grants to fund its activities.

Contact Us

45 Convent Lane, George's Street Lower, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, A96 KT27