About Us
The DLBA is a non-party political, non-sectarian, subscription-based membership Organisation whose mission is to be the voice of businesses of Dún Laoghaire.
The DLBA committee for 2024/5
Niall Lawlor (Chairperson)
Martin O’Byrne (Vice Chairperson)
John Rogers (Treasurer)
Dermot Martin (Hon. Secretary)
Brian Dunphy (Stimare Ltd)
David Houlton
Wesley Hudson (Gibson & Associates)
Chad Gilmer (iPLANiT, The Glasshouses)
Ian O’Meara (Viking Marine)
Why not get involved?
The DLBA are always looking for new committee members from all sectors; retail, bars, restaurants, offices and services to get involved. Please complete the form below if you are interested in getting involved
The objectives of the DLBA are
Objective #1
To Provide a forum for all of stakeholders to work together on areas of common interest to effect change
Objective #2
Our actions can be defined as:
The Dún Laoghaire Business Association will work/lobby together with the other key stakeholders in Dún Laoghaire to ensure that it fulfils its potential and provides the best possible experience for our customers, staff, and residents.
The Dún Laoghaire Business Association (DLBA) will
provide a forum to communicate with and develop business
opportunities among businesses in Dún Laoghaire
Promote the Shop Local Campaign
Promote Dún Laoghaire as a retail destination to increase footfall
Organise seasonal promotional events and campaigns
Promote desirable businesses to open in our town
Develop and promote a vibrant evening economy in harmony with residential needs.
Encourage businesses to support & promote each other's business and contribute to our local economy.
Negotiate lower parking charges and promote centralised parking
Lobby effectively for lower commercial rates and rate exemptions for new businesses
Help reduce business utility costs
Objective #3
To work with local County Councillors, Teachtaí Dála and Senators in the furtherance of DLBA objectives
Objective #4
To work with various other stakeholders (Consultants, DLR Co Co, residents’ groups and sports associations) to achieve the positive desired improvements to Dún Laoghaire as a business destination.
Objective #5
Provide regular updates to the large stakeholder group on developments.
Objective #6
To register for DLR grants to fund its activities.
Contact Us
45 Convent Lane, George's Street Lower, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, A96 KT27